Privacy policy in iOS 14, or what is the future

The new system introduced by Apple caused a lot of opposition from Mark Zuckerberg’s company. Facebook officially announced that this would result in huge losses for all companies using popular Ads. However, in order to objectively assess these changes, it is worth looking at each sphere they affect first.

Apple’s new privacy policy – what are the changes?

In general, the new iOS 14 privacy policy applies the so-called. “App Tracking Transparency Framework”. This means that every Apple user will be asked if they allow their activities to be tracked. This will apply to all apps available on the App Store. If the user chooses not to opt-in tracking, only the highest priority actions will be tracked. However, it should be added that when operating, even with active consent to tracking, advertisers must reckon with difficulties.

In order to better understand the new restrictions, we have prepared for you a short analysis of the three most important areas for Facebook campaigns.

  1.  Tracking

Under Apple’s new privacy policy, with tracking consent, an advertiser can track up to eight actions per domain. On the other hand, when denied, only the event with the highest priority will be tracked.

The important thing is that you can set a priority action only after domain verification. It is worth noting that for conversion actions in e-commerce, the “Value Optimization” option should apply to 4 out of 8 events.

  1.  Attribution and Reporting

The changes also leave their mark on Facebook’s attribution settings. What does it mean? So far, if a user clicked on an ad on fb and performed the desired action 1, 7 or 28 days ago, their conversion was still tracked. This made it possible to include it in the reports at almost any time. The attribution feature for iOS 14 will only be active 7 days after approval, and the report will be prepared on the same day.

What’s more, advertisers will not have access to data such as location, gender or age of the visitor.

  1. Targeting and ad display

It is not difficult to guess that less information about users means a more complicated process of targeting the target group. The Custom Audiences function will be limited by a small amount of data, and information from the most important actions will go to Facebook.

Dynamic ads will remain unchanged.

How will Apple’s new privacy policy affect Facebook’s advertising business?

It is certain that the above-mentioned changes complicate the situation on the advertising market. First of all, it involves less data and the requirement to introduce several changes in the activities of enterprises. If you still want to enjoy the profits from advertising on the Meta platform, then you should take specific steps in this direction, namely:

  • verify the domain in the FB Business Manager panel,
  • prioritize conversion events,
  • adapt to the 7-day attribution.

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The new Apple policy will affect not only Facebook, but also Instagram, Pinterest, TikTok and LinkedIn. This is a clear sign that data protection is starting to matter more and more. However, this is not a reason to panic: Meta still operates with enough effective tools, and the experience of good specialists will help formulate beneficial marketing strategies.