Knowledge Base

Knowledge base about digital marketing

Learn more about the secrets of digital marketing.

  • Privacy policy in iOS 14, or what is the future

    The new system introduced by Apple caused a lot of opposition from Mark Zuckerberg’s company. Facebook officially announced that this would result in huge losses for all companies using popular Ads. However, in order to objectively assess these changes, it is worth looking at each sphere they affect first. Apple’s new privacy policy – what……

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  • Analytics in e-commerce – do you make business decisions based on data?

    Every e-commerce owner has heard of analytics, but not everyone understands its value. Why is analytics so important and what benefits does it bring to online stores? See for yourself! Why is it worth investing in analytics? Every owner of their own e-commerce appreciates such a gift as business intuition. It is a skill that……

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  • What is Facebook’s Conversion API and why you should set it up in your online store

    If you run advertising campaigns on the Meta platform, you have certainly heard about Facebook Pixel more than once. This system is based on third-party cookies, which will soon be disabled due to changes in the user’s privacy law. What is the fate of Pixel and what is the Conversion API? We explain! Facebook conversion……

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  • SEO – who needs it?

    SEO can be defined as a set of activities aimed at increasing the visibility of a website in the search engine for specific keywords…

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  • What is ROI?

    ROI stands for Return to Investment, meaning return on investment. This indicator shows whether a specific investment was profitable. It is often used…

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  • Creating a page on Facebook

    There are many benefits to having a company page on Facebook. It is an effective communication tool with the client…

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  • What is Facebook Pixel?

    Facebook Pixel appeared in 2015 and has become an analytical tool for testing the effectiveness of marketing activities in social media. This allows you to take full advantage of the budget allocated to advertising on such portals. If you have never heard of this tool or want to get to know it better, we invite……

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  • The importance of Black Friday for online stores

    What is Black Friday and Cyber Monday? Black Friday, of course, comes from the US, where the Friday after Thanksgiving opens the Christmas shopping season. Currently, this shopping frenzy lasts the entire weekend, including the so-called Cyber Monday. The Monday after that weekend was supposed to be a promotion day in online stores. Due to……

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  • What is brand marketing?

    What is branding and brand marketing? Are you considering building a brand with a specific mission or maybe you want to change the company’s image? Brand marketing is a marketing strategy that is worth getting to know better and possibly considering when creating a company’s action plan. What is brand and branding? Brand, i.e. a……

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  • How To Increase Your Ecommerce Conversion Rate?

    Increasing the conversion rate is one of the key issues for every online store owner. This indicator has a real impact on sales profits and the effectiveness of marketing campaigns. Before getting down to business, however, it’s worth familiarizing yourself with some of the important concepts involved in page conversion. What is conversion? Simply put,……

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  • How to develop sales in the online store?

    The issue of setting up an online store nowadays does not seem to be something problematic. The pandemic influenced the faster development of the e-commerce industry and forced many entrepreneurs to open sales in the online store. However, many website owners are still wondering how to develop their online business. It is worth starting with……

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  • Pricing strategies to increase profits in your online store?

    Each of us knows how important the role of prices is in trading. Most customers visiting any store at some point in their purchases pay attention to the prices of the products they are interested in. This factor may attract the attention of a potential customer, determine the advantage over the competition and ultimately encourage……

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