What is Facebook’s Conversion API and why you should set it up in your online store

If you run advertising campaigns on the Meta platform, you have certainly heard about Facebook Pixel more than once. This system is based on third-party cookies, which will soon be disabled due to changes in the user’s privacy law. What is the fate of Pixel and what is the Conversion API? We explain!

Facebook conversion API – how does it work?

Meta (or Facebook), being aware of the changes being introduced, created a new tool that will replace Pixel, i.e. the Conversion API. It allows you to track and associate action data with specific users, while eliminating cookies. CAPI gives you the ability to directly send data from corporate servers to Facebook. At this point, it is worth adding that based on all these actions, you can further measure conversion and optimize ads.

CAPI and Facebook Pixel

We already know that CAPI and Pixel have one and the same mission – to track the conversions and actions of the user who landed on your website. However, both systems use a slightly different technology to do this.

First, the Conversion API is much harder to block than the older Meta system, which could have been stopped by adblocks or proper privacy settings. With CAPI, neither you nor browser developers can block tracking. Our second difference is where we operate. Using the Facebook Pixel guaranteed that all operations would take place on the consumer’s device. However, with the Conversion API, everything happens on the server, which can result in increased traffic.

Meta Conversion API – is it worth it?

Well, the withdrawal of the Pixel is rather a matter of time, so advertisers have no choice. Of course, the CAPI system has its disadvantages, but it also has many advantages, which we will discuss in a moment.

Benefits of CAPIs

  • Elimination of cookies and problems with the privacy policy

As you already know, CAPI eliminates the problem of cookies being withdrawn from use. As a result, you will not have to worry about factors that cause disruptions to their operation, because they do not apply to the API. In addition, the Conversion API meets the requirements of Apple’s new privacy policy. 

  • You have access to the data

In the case of Pixel, the collected data goes from the user’s browser to Facebook, and you do not have direct access to it. With CAPI, you receive information and can decide about it.

  • Increasing the effectiveness of measurements at the bottom of the sales funnel

Certainly, some of the conversions you are interested in take place outside your website, e.g. in a mobile application or specific tools. If you connect the API with CRM systems, you will be able to send this data to Facebook, thus increasing the effectiveness of measurements.

  • Greater effectiveness of marketing activities

All the advantages of CAPI can significantly translate into campaign results. Better measurement and more effective attribution can lead to more effective promotions.

CAPI disadvantages

  • Limited amount of user information

CAPI, unlike Pixel, cannot link a user’s ID to their Facebook account and recorded activities as efficiently. Access to data such as interests or shopping habits may be difficult. In addition, the very identification of specific users may prove to be a problem, which creates the risk of errors in reporting.

  • Complicated implementation

There are 3 ways to implement CAPI: using partner integrations, using a conversion API gateway, and manually. The last 2 options require developer knowledge.

However, you have to take into account the fact that Meta is developing solutions to facilitate installation, and over time more and more plugins will appear for this.


The withdrawal of third-party cookies is inevitable. The Facebook Pixel will also disappear with them. If you want to continue using Facebook for advertising purposes, you’d better plan your CAPI setup quickly. You can always use the help of specialists and do not worry about the future of your campaigns!