What is Facebook Pixel?

cropped shot of businessman showing digital tablet with facebook website to colleagues at workplace

Facebook Pixel appeared in 2015 and has become an analytical tool for testing the effectiveness of marketing activities in social media. This allows you to take full advantage of the budget allocated to advertising on such portals. If you have never heard of this tool or want to get to know it better, we invite you to familiarize yourself with our material.

Facebook Pixel – what exactly is it and how does it work?

Simply put, Facebook Pixel is a code that is placed on your website. It uses cookie simplifications and works similar to Google Analytics: it tracks conversion from Facebook ads, helps optimize those ads and build an audience list for your future ads. In short, this tool focuses on tracking the activities of your website visitors.

It is a free tool that you will get access to as soon as you create an advertising account on Facebook. After implementing the Pixel code on your website, all data about visits to the store and activities taken on it will return to the social network, thus giving you many opportunities to optimize your campaigns.

What are events on Facebook Pixel?

Are you wondering what these events actually are? They’re just specific actions that a visitor takes on your site. Facebook Pixel can be set to 2 different events: standard and custom. Standard events include a list of 9 specific events:

  • display the content
  • searching
  • adding to wish list
  • adding to cart
  • checkout initiation
  • adding payment information
  • acquiring contacts
  • making a purchase
  • complete registration

On the other hand, you can set up custom events yourself. With this option, you can collect much more detail, which allows you to sort your audience and personalize your ads. Examples of events, such as: search strings or the value of the indicated conversion, can be found in the database of non-standard events.

Facebook Pixel – advantages and opportunities

Facebook Pixel gives you many new possibilities that you can use in various ways. It is worth taking a closer look at the advantages and functionality of this tool.

Conversion tracking

The tool allows you to monitor user interaction with your website after seeing an ad on Facebook. In addition, it is also possible to check what devices they use and track their activities on them. Thanks to this, you can find out from what type of devices they enter your website and from which they make purchases. This information is helpful in setting strategies and planning multiple campaigns.

Ad optimization

Pixel allows you to optimize ads based on data and information about users and their activities. This allows you to target marketing campaigns to recipients who may be interested in our offer. This will help to increase the effectiveness and level of personalization of your advertising campaigns.

Creating groups of recipients

Pixel allows you to sort your audience based on their age, gender or interests. Later, you can only target your ads to a specific group.


Facebook Pixel is also a useful tool in remarketing, as it allows you to redirect ads to users who have already visited your store. You can, among others display ads for a specific product that the visitor abandoned in the cart or added to the wish list.

How to create your own Facebook Pixel?

You have already learned the main principles of operation and the advantages of this tool. If you would like to create it and install it on your website, use our short guide.

Pixel Generation:

  1. First, you should log into your Facebook business account.
  2. Then go to the Event Manager, click Connect Data Sources and select Internet.
  3. The next step is to choose Facebook Pixel and Connect.
  4. You should now have a generated pixel that you need to give a name to.
  5. Finally, enter the URL of the page and click Continue.

Installing Pixel on a website:

After you’ve generated a Pixel, you can put it on your site. It should be placed between the tags on each subpage or in the website template and should appear in the domain of each subpage. If the pixel has not yet been installed in the ad manager, the Finish pixel configuration option should appear. Click on it and you will see 3 ways to install the tool on your site, namely:

  1. Manual installation – after clicking on this option, you will see your pixel in the form of a frame with a text code. You’ll need to copy it and install it in the header of every page on your website that you plan to follow. In this case, it is necessary to have access to the header code of each page or its template in the CMS system.
  2. Email Developer Instructions – This is an option for developers. If you choose this option, you will send him the code and instructions via e-mail.
  3. Affiliate Integration – This option allows you to configure directly on the site. It is mainly used by WordPress, Prestashop, Magento, WooCommerce, Hubspot, Google Tag Manager and Shopify website owners.

Facebook Pixel is a very useful tool that helps increase the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns and is relatively easy to integrate. It’s worth setting up your Pixel even if you don’t currently use Facebook Ads. Thanks to this, if you decide to promote your business in such a way, you will already have a large database of various data.

If you are considering using Facebook Pixel, but need specialized help, contact us and we will answer all your questions and help you configure the pixel.