What is brand marketing?

Young man and woman dressed casually working with some statistics on the glass wall in the office

What is branding and brand marketing? Are you considering building a brand with a specific mission or maybe you want to change the company’s image? Brand marketing is a marketing strategy that is worth getting to know better and possibly considering when creating a company’s action plan.

What is brand and branding?

Brand, i.e. a brand, can be understood in many ways. In the past, it was mainly associated with the name and logo of a given company. Now it is a much broader concept in connection with the registration of trade symbols. Currently, the brand is not only the company itself and the reputation strongly associated with it, but also all activities that shape its identity and character. Logo, name, advertising slogan, specific color or sound, public relations – it all adds up to a brand. A brand with a strong identity must stand out and at the same time inform who their services are aimed at. What is branding? Simply put, it is a brand-related concept that denotes a whole system of tools that are used to create a specific brand.

What is brand marketing?

Brand marketing is, in turn, branding combined with various marketing activities. Branding with marketing focuses on the promotion of specific products and services in a way that positively affects the company’s image. This type of marketing not only creates a specific identity and values, but also influences efficient communication and a lasting relationship with the client, and cares about increasing the visibility and recognition of the brand. It is worth emphasizing that creating a brand is a long-term activity and should be preceded by setting specific goals and strategies. Temporary activities are usually not included in brand marketing.

Strategic brand marketing

Strategic brand marketing is created on the basis of a specific strategy that is supported by data and reasonable assumptions. Such a plan involves establishing the company’s mission, target group, price segment and channels that will be used to communicate with the audience. We’ll talk more about how to create a strategy at the end.

What are the benefits of brand marketing?

Properly conducted brand building gives great recognition and an advantage on the market. Companies that have made a name for themselves do not have to worry about selling, as they usually have a large group of supporters who trust them. It happens that brands dictate prices because of their prestige.

What are the benefits of brand marketing?

Budowanie silnego brandu to proces czasochłonny, trudny i wymagający cierpliwości i zaangażowania. Jednak jest to strategia warta swojej ceny. Jeśli Twój biznes ma prezentować jakość i konkretne wartości to pomyśl, o jak najszybszym wdrożeniu strategicznego brand marketingu.

When is it worth using brand marketing?

Building a strong brand is a time-consuming, difficult process that requires patience and commitment. However, it is a strategy worth the money. If your business is to present quality and specific values, think about implementing strategic brand marketing as soon as possible.

Why is a strong brand important?

A strong brand is strongly associated with a high position on the market, recognition and customer trust. It emphasizes the uniqueness and allows you to increase the prices of products, because recipients are able to spend more money on products of a trustworthy brand known for high-quality goods. Offering original services, a high standard of service, communication and an image that stands out from the competition helps in creating a community and a group of regular customers.

How to build an appropriate brand marketing strategy?

Before you decide to create an appropriate brand marketing strategy, you should define the vision and values of the company, the characteristics of the target group, and take into account the history of the brand, competitors’ activities and ensure the consistency of all activities. When you have prepared a detailed answer to all these issues, you can start creating a specific strategy based on these points.

The vision and values of the company

Ask yourself the question of what your company is supposed to be known for, how you want it to be seen by others and what it should represent. What is your industry and what does it provide to its recipients, what price segment do you want to focus on. These are the basic assumptions on which your company’s brand marketing strategy will be based.

Characteristics of the target group

Defining specific recipients is another basic step not only for strategic brand marketing, but also for strategies in every area of the brand’s operation. It is worth remembering that the plan to hit everyone is not only impossible to implement, but also unprofitable. Creating a specific buyer person enables the undertaking of more effective marketing campaigns tailored to the needs and requirements of specific recipients. Analytics is able to give you information about who is already observing your activity, visiting the store or making transactions. On the basis of such data, you can create your shopping persona by specifying the age, gender, origin and lifestyle of the recipients.

Brand history

Presenting your company’s history is part of branding marketing, which also has an impact on image creation. It can be seen that usually brands known all over the world are associated with specific characters or events (they do not have to be revolutionary or tragic events). This can draw attention to the brand and help create an interesting community around the brand. It is worth using this aspect to build a relationship with the client.

Actions of the competition

Market and competition analysis is the next mandatory step. This will help you observe the activities of other companies, evaluate the most successful ventures, and notice their advantages and disadvantages. Thanks to this, you can avoid specific mistakes or find aspects that distinguish you and use it in marketing campaigns.

Communication channels

Social media, search engine marketing, content marketing, email marketing – there are many channels for communicating with recipients. The choice usually depends on the specifics of the company and the preferences of the target group. Track what your persona buyers are using and where they find you, and you will find out where it is worth appearing to find new recipients and strengthen the bond with existing customers.

Your actions

Make sure that your communication with the client is consistent. Develop your own characteristic style that will be reflected in the website design, on social media, in newsletters or general contact with the target group. Such activities build a sense of trust and provide customers with pleasant associations related to your brand.