The importance of Black Friday for online stores

Close-up of young woman holding shopping bags and typing a message on her mobile phone during black friday in the store

What is Black Friday and Cyber Monday?

Black Friday, of course, comes from the US, where the Friday after Thanksgiving opens the Christmas shopping season. Currently, this shopping frenzy lasts the entire weekend, including the so-called Cyber Monday. The Monday after that weekend was supposed to be a promotion day in online stores. Due to the popularization of e-commerce, currently the promotions in e-shops last for the entire Black Weekend.

We have been practicing this practice for some time all over the world, also in Poland, but not on the same scale as overseas. Some stores announce attractive promotions a few days before Friday, promoting the so-called Black Week.

The benefits of Black Friday

Nowadays, this shopping habit is increasingly shifting to the Internet space. This is related not only to the pandemic situation, but also to the progressive digitization of society. So what does Black Friday mean for online stores? Certainly a period of intense work, especially the marketing one. Shops compete with each other for the best offers and the best advertising of these offers. Some choose traditional billboards, while others choose newsletters, pop-up ads or social media campaigns. However, usually this increased work pays off. The results show that Black Friday is beneficial for both the buyer and the seller. Although in Poland the discounts at that time are not as spectacular as in the US, they still attract many interested people to the stores. This translates into increased sales. According to Allegro data from 2020, sellers who joined Black Week on the platform scored higher p 250-300%, and even better results were recorded by people offering free delivery. It is also worth adding that 80% of these offers came from small and medium-sized companies. So this action is capable of bringing real profits. It should also be emphasized that Black Week is also an opportunity to attract customers and promote the company. When buyers meet high-quality products and professional service, they can create positive brand associations and become more inclined to return to the store before Christmas or during other purchases.

Kilka praktycznych porad przed Black Friday

W kilku punktach przedstawimy Ci jak przygotować swój sklep do Black Friday i na co warto w tym procesie zwrócić uwagę.

Dobór oferty

Jednym z podstawowych czynników, które składają się na sukces podczas zakupowego szału jest dobór oferty. Dobierz produkty przecenione lub specyfikę danych rabatów i akcji na podstawie analizy preferencji Twojej grupy docelowej, ich zachowania na Twojej stronie, panujących obecnie trendów i oczywiście stopnia opłacalności. Pamiętaj o tym by Twoja oferta była atrakcyjna dla potencjalnych Klientów oraz przynosiła Tobie zyski.

Kanały komunikacji

Kolejnym krokiem jest ustalenie kanału komunikacji z grupą docelową. Oczywiście musisz zacząć od odpowiedniego przygotowania wyglądu Twojego sklepu, gdyż jest on podstawowym środkiem komunikacji i to właśnie do niego masz przyciągnąć Klientów. Zadbaj by na witrynie pojawił się specjalny baner informacyjny, a w menu pojawiła się kategoria dedykowana wszystkim czarno piątkowym promocjom. Powyższe działania należy wesprzeć poprzez odpowiednią kampanię marketingową. Znając preferencje swoich odbiorców dobierz kanał najbardziej dla nich atrakcyjny. Świetnym pomysłem są informujące o promocjach i zachęcające do zakupu kampanie na social mediach, newslettery czy skorzystanie z płatnych opcji (np. Google Ads, Facebook Ads). Black Friday to również okazja do poszerzenia swojej bazy mailingowej poprzez zachęcenie odwiedzających do pozostawienia swoich danych kontaktowych, np. oferując dodatkowy rabat.

Some practical tips before Black Friday

In a few points, we will present you how to prepare your store for Black Friday and what is worth paying attention to in this process.

Selection of the offer

One of the basic factors that contribute to the success of the shopping frenzy is the selection of the offer. Select discounted products or the specificity of given discounts and campaigns based on the analysis of the preferences of your target group, their behavior on your website, current trends and, of course, the degree of profitability. Remember that your offer should be attractive to potential customers and bring you profits.

Communication channels

The next step is to establish a communication channel with the target group. Of course, you need to start with the appropriate preparation of the appearance of your store, because it is the basic means of communication and this is what you are supposed to attract customers to. Make sure that a special information banner appears on the website, and a category dedicated to all Black Friday promotions appears in the menu. The above activities should be supported by an appropriate marketing campaign. Knowing the preferences of your recipients, choose the channel that is most attractive to them. A great idea is to inform about promotions and encourage you to buy campaigns on social media, newsletters or the use of paid options (eg Google Ads, Facebook Ads). Black Friday is also an opportunity to expand your mailing database by encouraging visitors to leave their contact details, e.g. by offering an additional discount.

Relevant content

Valuable and interesting content and the aesthetic appearance of your website and profiles are things that visitors always pay attention to. Take care of accurate and practical product descriptions, good quality photos, substantive materials and overall attractiveness.

Organizational matters

One of the most important issues is also technical preparation. Analyze whether your website is legible, whether buyers can quickly find information about delivery or payment methods. Also test its speed. Increased traffic may burden the site and extend the loading time of individual elements, and Internet users do not like to wait and if they are unable to enter the website or subpages for more than 5 seconds, they will most likely give up shopping. Also, do not forget about stocking up the store in advance, ensuring the right amount of staff, organizing shipments and ensuring proper communication with the customer.

Verification and monitoring of effects

The last issue is monitoring the effects of your activities. Use Google Analytics or platform data statistics to measure the engagement level of your audience. This will help you determine what messages and on what channels best reach the target group and where it is worth increasing your activities.