How To Increase Your Ecommerce Conversion Rate?

Increasing the conversion rate is one of the key issues for every online store owner. This indicator has a real impact on sales profits and the effectiveness of marketing campaigns. Before getting down to business, however, it’s worth familiarizing yourself with some of the important concepts involved in page conversion.

What is conversion?

Simply put, page conversion is the activity that takes place when we manage to attract users’ attention, convince them to buy and make them active customers. Conversion informs us how many visitors performed the actions desired by the company, such as: purchasing products from the store, subscribing to the newsletter, filling out the form or creating an account. This can happen with the help of appropriate posts, interesting content, and aesthetic appearance. This leads to building a valuable relationship with the client, which translates into final profits.

What is Ecommerce Conversion?

Online store conversion is a very important factor in e-commerce as it shows the traffic and the real percentage of sales. It can also be calculated on a per-product basis to identify sales leaders. In e-commerce, calculating conversions gives a lot of useful information about customer activity, which can significantly affect your marketing strategies and, consequently, your profits.

What is the conversion rate?

The conversion rate determines the number of conversions performed per the number of visitors to the website, it is expressed as a percentage. The conversion rate allows you to show the effectiveness of your website and the number of users visiting and taking specific conversion actions. Most often, Google Analytics is used to calculate the conversion rate.

Goal conversion rate

Goal Conversion Rate is one of the most important elements of your online store strategy. It allows you to set the assumptions of the website and its comprehensive optimization, i.e. it has a real impact on the further development of the store. Specific goals are very individual, they depend on the nature of the website, the specificity of the industry or the needs and requirements of the target group. The most common goal in an online store is to make a purchase, but it is often accompanied by the assumption that the customer should return to the store, click on the banner, leave his contact details or share a specific product on social media.

Conversion optimization

Conversion optimization (also known as CRO strategy) is basically a whole set of activities aimed at improving the ecommerce conversion rate. Proper conversion optimization does not exist without prior determination of its goals, identification and description of the group of recipients of given services and content. Having goals and the right audience, you can go to the comprehensive improvement of any defective elements on the page and optimize the site for the needs of future customers. Such activities make the set goals come true, attract the desired recipients and convince them to become regular customers. Page conversion optimization is closely related to SEO optimization and analytics.

How To Improve Ecommerce Conversion Rate?

Now that you know all the most important concepts related to online store conversion, we can move on to specific ways that will help you increase your conversion rate.

Website functionality

The first step you take on the way to increasing your ecommerce conversion rate should be a thorough website analysis. Make sure it is aesthetic, functional and easy to navigate. Check how long it takes to load and whether it is adapted to mobile devices. Each website should also contain elements such as a search engine, basket or a visible ‘add to basket’ button. It is also worth following the customer’s shopping path and making sure that finalizing the transaction does not take too long. A complicated purchase process or the need to create an account to make a purchase often scares off customers interested in the offer.

Bet on content

Product descriptions play an important role in the purchasing process. They should provide all the necessary information about the product offered. It is worth focusing on original and substantive content without exaggerated delight. Product and category descriptions are also very useful for positioning.

The importance of photos and videos

In such a website as an online store, the presentation of the product is a particularly important element. A large number of high-quality photos presenting your assortment in an interesting and attractive way attracts the attention of customers and makes them more confident about the quality of products. It is also a good idea to post a short video presenting the product. Of course, the number and type of photos or videos should be adapted to the type of assortment.

Shipping and Payment

Every customer wants to have a choice. Provide users with a variety of shipping and payment methods so they can find the option that best suits their lifestyle. Free shipping is a particularly popular option that encourages you to buy. If you cannot afford to cover the delivery costs, make sure that the shipping prices are not too high and think about introducing free shipping for a specific amount or on specific days.

Easy contact

The available address and contact details are a small but important detail. The possibility of quick and effective contact in the form of a chat or hotline increases trust in the brand, which may result in an increase in the ecommerce conversion rate