Creating a page on Facebook

Young businesspeople using digital devices with facebook logo icons on screens

A guide on how to create a Facebook page
There are many benefits to having a company page on Facebook. It is an effective communication tool with the client, it enables quick communication about the advantages of the offered products or services and new products, and greatly facilitates the creation of a specific brand image. Find out what exactly a fanpage is, what benefits it brings and how to set it up.

What is a fanpage?
Fanpage is nothing more than a page representing a given company on Facebook, which is usually associated with the owner’s or a specific manager’s private account. It is used by various types of brands to promote their activities, contact the client and provide various information (company address, history or mission, contact details). The website has access to many data and functions useful from a marketing perspective, e.g. collecting and analyzing statistics about your recipients, contact with the customer via chat or creating Facebook Ads campaigns.

Advantages of having a Facebook page
Facebook fanpage is a very popular form of promoting your business and a chance not only to gain new recipients, but also to establish better contact with them. In addition, such a website also offers tools useful in everyday work on e-business development. So let’s look at the individual advantages of having such a page in more detail.

Contact with customers
The Facebook page is an opportunity to establish active interaction with our clients. You can provide them with specific information, share content that could interest them or engage recipients in various actions, e.g. contests with prizes. In addition, the fanpage allows you to read reviews and comments from customers, get to know their opinions, reply to comments or chat.

Building the company’s image
Nowadays, social media is one of the most important forms of building a company’s image. Your posts on portals, the way you interact and talk with customers, the graphic design and aesthetics all affect how your company is perceived by visitors. Fanpage gives you the opportunity to show your brand from a different, more human or loose side, helps build an expert position and inspires trust. Sociale facilitates brand marketing and creating a specific brand image.

Presentation of your services
With the help of social media platforms, you can present your offer in an attractive, but not overbearing way. You can combine sharing valuable posts with subtle ads or reviews for your products. Fanpage is the perfect place to present interesting information about your offer and regular and engaging content.

Advertising tools
Having a Facebook page, you can use Facebook Ads, thanks to which you will be able to define your target group. Your ads will only be shown to people who may be interested in exactly the products or services you offer.

Potential Clients
Facebook also provides a wide audience, and thus a chance to attract new customers. In Poland, about 15 million people use this portal, which gives great opportunities. It is worth adding that the public is increasingly being influenced by advertisements and recommendations from social media, so it is worth using personalized advertisements and interesting forms of promoting the store.

Visibility in the search engine
Having a Facebook page and maintaining it on a regular basis also translates into organic positioning. With Facebook you can improve your position in the SERP.

How to set up a Facebook page?
Setting up a company account is nothing difficult and time-consuming. You just need to follow a few simple steps.

Connection to a private account
Creating a company account on Facebook requires also having an up-to-date private account. Remember that setting up an account with data other than what we actually have may result in the permanent blocking of the account and the liquidation of the company website.

The company website must also be linked to the account of the person who will manage it and grant administrator rights. Of course, only administrators will know who exactly manages the fan page.

Create a new page
If you already have a private account, log in to it and go to the down arrow in the upper right corner of the screen. Expand it and click Create Page. Then you will see 6 categories of activity (local company; company, organization or institution; brand or product; artist, public figure; entertainment; non-profit or community website) from which you must select one that matches your business.

After completing this step, all you need to do is enter your website name and click Get Started.

Necessary information
The last step in creating a fan page is to complete the necessary data about your brand. Let’s take a look at this process.

Information tab
Here you should specify, for example, the company’s business profile, website address, contact details and other data that may be useful for customers.

Profile picture tab
This option may seem insignificant, but it does affect how our recipients perceive us. Pages with no photo are often overlooked or considered less reliable. A company logo or a portrait can be used as a profile picture, depending on the nature of your business.

Add to Favorites tab
This tab allows you to access your website directly from the main portal panel.

Tab Preferred group of recipients of the page
In turn, this tab allows you to select the main audience of your website. This will help you reach people interested in your offer. Personalization on Facebook is based on information such as: age range, location, gender, language, interests and exclusions.

After completing all the data, do not forget to press the Save option. Now you have a complete page, the data of which you can edit and extend at any time.

Facebook business page without a private account
Do you want to set up a business account on Facebook without having a private account? We are in a hurry to answer how to do it!

It is very simple, because you just need to go to Facebook and select the option Create a page for a star, team or company, and then fill in all the required information as in the regular registration.

However, it should be emphasized that the account created in this way is not as comfortable to use as the variant described above. Browsing the competitors’ websites will be practically impossible due to the pop-up message informing about the necessity to log in to the website.

So, when you decide to take this step, you must be aware that using Facebook in this case is difficult.